The standard delivery of these programs is a 120 minute session consisting of a 70 minute short performance and a 50 minute workshop in which key scenes are revisited for further analysis and interpretation.
When booking these programs let us know your needs in detail. We want to work with you and you can choose the type of experience you would like to explore.
Do you want a powerful emotional performance or something that just helps students to follow the narrative?
In the workshop would you like us to explore a range of interpretations supported by the text or focus on a specific approach that you are teaching? If you would like us to focus on a specific interpretation, we need to know this in advance and know the details of what you want conveyed.
Oedipus The King
Oedipus is the story of a man in power and his quest for truth. He hears the truth from different angles but in an attempt to avoid his fate, he descends into madness and self-destruction. The chorus, represents a narrative voice and/or citizens who witness and convey the key messages, from which we are to learn.
In 2025 we have an exciting new offering. We begin the session by first workshopping two versions of the chorus. One is intended to represent traditional Greek theatre, the other is a more contemporary interpretation where phones and social media symbolise a modern chorus.
Unless the school wishes us to stay focused on one or the other style of reading, we will ask students to choose which style they want for the performance. Post show, the workshop examines key characters and the themes: fate, guilt, blindness, prophecy and the quest for truth and enlightenment.

short performance & Workshop
Oedipus the king
by sophocles
2 hourS
$22 per student
$2200 minimum booking fee
Romeo and Juliet

“I saw Shakespeare, it wasn’t hard, and don’t tell anyone but I may have even liked it.” This is a verbatim quote from a student post show but the type of comment we often hear. Truely we couldn’t hope for more. This performance starts out as a comic, romantic journey where we draw audiences into laughter, love and frivolity. As the tragedy unfolds, we give you the chance to feel deeply and have cause and reason to “go hence and have more talk of these sad things”.
Unless guided by the school, toward specific goals, in the workshop we explore iconic readings of the play as well as how it’s often perceived by young audiences. We also like to probe, how different perceptions of the play give different answers to, common essay questions like “Who is to blame?” and “Does love or hate win in this play?”

short performance & Workshop
romeo and juliet
by william shakespeare
2 hourS
$14 per student
$1400 minimum booking fee
A tale of envy and jealousy, greed, ambition and an echo chamber of regret and the forces of manipulation that surround us. This performance brings the role of the witches into the foreground, as an almost ever-present force playing with their human puppets. The struggle of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are still at the centre of the performance but one gets the sense that it’s the supernatural and the witches’ awareness of human frailty that drives the tragedy.
Unless otherwise requested by the school, our workshop focuses on different possible readings of the lead characters. Is Macbeth a good man, who is not strong enough to stand up to his wife’s emasculating ambition?
If Lady Macbeth does manipulate him, given that he is a general, does it make sense if she does it with outright force? Is it possible the two are deeply in love and desperately want the other to get what they see is rightfully due?

short performance & Workshop
by william shakespeare
2 hourS
$14 per student
$1400 minimum booking fee
Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare definitely called Much Ado About Nothing a comedy. The play certainly reveals the folly of being in love and in the ways we run from it. It also explores word play and darker uses of language.
Gender roles, and the behaviours of, not just Don John but also Don Pedro may, or may not, just be part of the fun. The latter of the two characters is, perhaps, a symbol of the two sides of meddling in the affairs of others. Our performance entices audiences to laugh along at seemly harmless jokes, before bringing it to our awareness that toxic humour is not as banal as it may seem.
The workshop, unless otherwise guided by schools, offers the chance to explore the idea of a period court drama, word play and the power of language. We also like to unpack the question of, if Beatrice is in fact one of Shakespeare’s empowered female roles.

short performance & Workshop
Much ado about nothing
william shakespeare
2 hourS
$22 per student
$2200 minimum booking fee